Thank You to our 2022-2023 Season Donors!
(May 1 - April 30)
Sustainers ($500 - $749)
Supporters ($250 - $499)
Mark and Jennifer Graves
Allen Tyndall
Benefactors ($100 - $249)
Anonymous (2)
Peter Blum
Mike and Mary Graves
Velna Pollock
Herman Schmid & Cindy Naylor
Brent Sparks
Miles Stanley
Jon Todd
Friends (up to $99)
Anonymous (22)
Pam Barrans
Joseph Bell
Irving Boyles
Chris Cohen
Gwen Crandall Gregory
James Crowe
LeiLanie D’Agostino
M. Ellen Dudley
Diane Dull
Ethelene Edwards
Christy Elkins
Barbara Engel
Jeannie Evans
Linda Foddrell
Kenny Gaylord
Gayle Hamilton
Donna Hatchett
Gerald Healy
Garrett August Heater
John Horsman
Troy Hurst
Mickey Hyland
Daryl Jané
Ron Law
Don and Linne Mcintyre
Nancy Murray
Adrian Dion Quarles
Heidi Shafer
Edwin Sineath
Garrett Sparks
Alex Stanley
Karen Stanley Sutton
Ray Stein
George Sullivan-Davis
Kevin Taylor
Kay Thompson Shelton
David and Beverly Tosi
Eliza Webster Cheek
Thank You to our 2021-2022 Season Donors!
(August 1 - April 30)
Sustainers ($500 - $749)
Supporters ($250 - $499)
Mark and Jennifer Graves
Benefactors ($100 - $249)
Peter Blum
Time Henderson
Annette Sipe
Brent Sparks
Tonda and Allen Tyndall
Friends (up to $99)
Anonymous (3)
Eric Bauer
Margaret Dunlap
Mike and Mary Graves
Marsha Hierl
Goldie Irving
Linda Johnston
Lisa Lyon
Patricia Orajaka
Paul and Anne Saxon
Richard Smith
John Snyder
Beverly Tosi
Carlos Umanzor
Want to join the list of current season donors?
Please consider supporting Stained Glass Playhouse with a donation today.
A gift of any size makes a difference.